🇸🇪 Hi, I'm Mika. A vibrant Swedish copywriter and translator who turns words into revenue 🇸🇪

Swedish copywriter, translator and web wizard in one

Hej! Planning on expanding on the Swedish market? That’s great news! Or ”toppen” –  as we say in Sweden.

Before you start creating your marketing strategy to win over the land of Vikings and IKEA-assembling pros: Did you know that Swedes prefer salty licorice to sweet? Or that we call the @-symbol a trunk shaped A? 

If your answer is no, my copywriting and marketing services might come in handy. It’s time to spice up your content with Swedish, lovable lingo.

I’m Mika Dahlquist. A native Swede and freelance copywriter based in Malmö, southern Sweden. Lover of French cheese, music and Copenhagen. Besides my writing skills, I also have a knack for:

✨ Marketing translation: English and Danish to Swedish

✨ Localization


Gain deep insights about the Swedish market & culture

My mission as a copywriter and translator is to bridge the gap between different cultures to help companies succeed online. Several years of working in Denmark and living abroad has fueled my interest in intercultural communication. 

Let me help you increase your company’s online visibility in Sweden. Besides writing copy and content from scratch, I also translate texts from Danish and English to Swedish.

Avoiding Google Translate and using authentic Swedish expressions will build a stronger relationship with your customers and drive sales.

Swedish copywriter

Swedish copywriting and marketing services

  • Content writing
  • SEO Copywriting
  • Translation from English to Swedish
  • Editing and proofreading
  • Content management and editing directly in your CMS
  • SEO
  • CRO – conversion strategy
  • Review of the website’s terms & conditions
  • Swedish Buyer’s journey input
  • Localisation
  • Swedish content planning 

Words without intention is like a disco without a mirror ball

truly believe that translation is about finding the cultural essence in both the source and target language, not only translating word by word. Sales texts should reflect the company brand and establish credibility. 

Creating a catchy title, Google-friendly copy or a tagline that pops is my cup of tea. You’ll love it as much as your Swedish customers.

Swedish freelance copywriter

""Mika is a distinguished skillful copywriter. Yet, the depth and enrichment Mika brings to the table is way beyond the duty and requirements of the job. The talent Mika showed was nothing less than her commitment, professional delivery, vibrant team work spirit and resonant insights that were of tangible contributions to the whole project/Ahmed M., WeCodeforyou.

Experienced Swedish copywriter and translator

I have had the opportunity to work fully in e-commerce/digital marketing since 2018, but took on my first SEO-related task back in 2013. I have a solid academic background as well as completed courses in content marketing and digital marketing in my toolbox.

My copywriting clients are in the beauty, health, lifestyle, DIY, rental, construction and retail industries.

  • English, Lund University 90 credits
  • Content marketing, University of California via Coursera
  • Strategic communication, Linnaeus University
  • Media Institute: Courses in digital marketing: SEO, digital strategy, storytelling, inbound marketing


Ready to get your Swedish copywriting groove on?


Yey! You’ve read this far. Let’s start making plans! 

Please contact me on LinkedIn or email me at mika @ kirakiramarketing .se to find out more about my translation and copywriting services.

Vi hörs 🇸🇪



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